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Bachelor Degree Programs
Agricultural Technology
ภาษาไทย ภาคปกติ
ระยะเวลา: 4 ปี
จำนวนรับเข้า: 75 คน
- ผู้สมัครต้องเป็นผู้สำเร็จการศึกษาชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 6 สายสามัญ กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้วิชาวิทยาศาสตร์ ฟิสิกส์ เคมี ชีวะ ต้องเรียนรายวิชาพื้นฐานและรายวิชาเพิ่มเติม รวมกันไม่น้อยกว่า 22 หน่วยกิต กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้คณิตศาสตร์ต้องเรียนรายวิชาพื้นฐานและรายวิชาเพิ่มเติม รวมกันไม่น้อยกว่า 12 หน่วยกิต
- จำนวนหน่วยกิต รวมไม่น้อยกว่า 138 หน่วยกิต
- วิชาศึกษาทั่วไป 30 หน่วยกิต
- วิชาเฉพาะ ไม่น้อยกว่า 102 หน่วยกิต
- วิชาเลือกเสรี ไม่น้อยกว่า 6 หน่วยกิต
- ภาคการศึกษาละ 17,300 บาท (เหมาจ่าย)
คณะวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ ศูนย์รังสิต
02-564-4440-79 ต่อ 2350-2 หรือ 02-564-4488
The program provides learning about agricultural technology with focus on technologies for the production of crops and livestock, soil management, and plant conservation. Students will obtain knowledge and develop skills on the use of appropriate technologies for creating research in agriculture or in applications for agricultural entrepreneurships. Upon graduation, graduates will be able to work in occupations related to agriculture such as in being agriculture academics, agriculture promoters, researchers, teachers, private agricultural company employees, and even agricultural business owners.
Program Description
The Agricultural Technology program focuses on producing graduates who possess academic knowledge in agricultural technology who can integrate their knowledge for application in agricultural businesses and other related businesses and who can apply knowledge consistently with the work needs of the agencies they work at, whether in the public or private sector, while possessing the ability to conduct studies and research to improve agricultural knowledge.
The program offers a learning format that involves development of concepts for the creation of agricultural innovations through projects and support for agricultural entrepreneurships. English teaching media are used in instruction (up to 35% of required subjects), and student exchange projects exist to allow students to hone their skills in agriculture abroad. Students will also receive the opportunity to choose cooperative education subjects to build their experience in the workplace. In addition, students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as agricultural skills and sports competitions, organic agricultural produce marketing project, etc.
The program is composed of three major subjects as follows:
Crop production technology covering, for example, plant strain improvement, agricultural product packaging, supply chain and agricultural product logistics.
Livestock production technology covering, for example, livestock innovations and production, animal breed improvements, animal feed innovations, nutrition science, farm standards and livestock produce quality assurance, livestock health and medication use, artificial insemination, livestock behaviors, and animal welfare.
Soil management and plant conservation covering, for example, soil management and plant nutrition, plant diseases and plant pests, bio safety in plant diseases in organic agricultural systems, biological plant pest control, prediction systems for plant pests and insects, commercial products, post-harvest plant diseases and export.
Internships or Cooperative Education
Students will receive 700 hours of field training with cooperative education in leading public sector and private sector organizations in the country and abroad within the network of the Faculty of Science and Technology (internship takes place during the summer semester of the third year or at the end of the first semester of the fourth year).
Further Studies
Further studies on the master level are possible at other leading academic institutions in the country and abroad.
Whether in field crops/orchards
Plant protection
Animal husbandry/zoology
Industrial agriculture
The environment
Agricultural economics,
and biotechnology.
Target Occupations After Graduation
Agricultural academic
Agriculture promoter, etc., with public sector work including work in the Department of Agriculture Extension, Department of Agriculture, Land Development Department, Department of Livestock Development, and private sector work including work in Charoen Pokphand Group, Betagro Company Limited, Chia Tai Company Limited, Pacific Seeds Company Limited, Kemocraft Company Limited, etc.
Teachers/Instructors in Public and Private Sector Academic Institutions
Agricultural businesses such as organic produce businesses, organic plant cultivation, livestock farming and agricultural produce sales representatives.
Further studies on the master level are possible in the country and abroad such as in field crops, orchard plants, plant protection, animal husbandry, veterinary, industrial agriculture, the environment, agricultural economics, and agricultural business management.
“To create agriculturalists with specialties in plant-livestock production, organic farming, with domestic and international internships and innovations, and to create entrepreneurs and smart farmers who know how to use technology.”